Friday, April 29, 2011

My girl, me, and a princess to be.....

Well, call me crazy (because I know I called my SIL crazy when she told me was going to watch the wedding live), but we (Anna and I) got up to watch the Royal Wedding at 3 AM this morning.  However, only one of us was really awake (Anna mostly slept and gave me a smile every now and then).   I just thought that this would be a once in a lifetime experience and I would love to tell Anna that we shared together (even if she was asleep for the majority of the time).  Having a girl is a wonderful thing and I am loving every second of it.  Now, don't get me wrong I love being a mom to the most wonderful boy in the world too.  However, there are just some things Jack does not want to do because he is BOY, not a gul (girl) as he tells me daily.  I believe watching a wedding at 3 in the morning would go under that category of things he would NOT like to do.
 Anna and I had a GREAT time and we loved looking at all the fashionable and not-so fashionable hats. 


This would go under the category as NOT-SO fashionable.
Oh-So Fashionable

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